What We’ve Found:

After coaching hundreds of people over the last decade, I’ve found that most people, especially those of us over 40, really struggle with maintaining their ideal weight and locking in healthy habits.

They’ve tried just about every diet and exercise program out there, always ending with disappointment and frustration.  The scale moves at first but quickly comes to a halt.  Busy with their career and family obligations, the thought of doing more exercise or eating less food overwhelms them so they quickly give up.

What they really want is to feel better, get stronger, and have more energy to keep up with their kids.  Many of them would love to get back to their favorite recreational activities or start enjoying a new one.  And, some are looking to the future wanting to ensure they’re healthy and resilient, unlike what they witnessed with their parents or grandparents.

But they mistakenly think the problem is simply how much they weigh…like being healthy is just about the number they see on the scale.

So they end up overexercising and undereating.  They join boot camps and HIIT classes to burn as many calories as they can, often at the same time starving their bodies of important nutrients with low-calorie or fad diets…ultimately leading them to burnout, slowing their metabolism, and gaining all their weight back.

But the real problem is they never establish healthy, sustainable habits that will serve them long-term.  

And, they don’t understand the role muscle plays in both body transformation and longevity.

What they really need is a more balanced approach to exercise and nutrition that focuses on building muscle, increasing strength, and maximizing their energy.  Only then will they finally be able to shed the excess weight, improve their health, and live a more active, energetic life. 

Our Mission

Our mission at PFP is to help you move better, feel better, perform better, and live better.  Whether you are trying to make the varsity team, lose a few pounds, recover from an injury, and everything in between, we can help. Our expertise in training athletes ranges from middle school through high school, to the collegiate, and the professional level. Our adult clientele come from diverse backgrounds and all walks of life, from general population to special populations and, our coaches at PFP can help get you where you are going.

We get it, finding a gym you like with people you like, a program you like, and coaches you trust is hard. Our programming and world-class coaching will get you through the door, our community of clients, coaches, and staff will keep you coming back. Don’t believe us? Come try it out. We are excited to meet you!

More Than Just a Gym

Most gyms, club sports, and private instructors only focus on the fundamentals with maybe a little weight training and injury prevention thrown in for good measure.

PFP goes beyond the basics by focusing on helping our youth and adult clients improve their mindsets.

Our goal is to help our clients become the best people and athletes they can be without sacrificing mental or emotional health, relationships, or physical well-being along the way.

At PFP, we believe…

  • Every student-athlete and adult fitness client deserves a mentor.

  • When character development is the focus, “winning” is the outcome

  • There are no quick fixes, and fitness should be FUN

  • The gym should be a safe space where everyone feels welcome

  • Everyone needs community, accountability, and a strong WHY to be successful

Our team of talented coaches and mentors care deeply, serve their athletes, and challenge them to grow.